Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Just stuff....

Just some stuff I've been meaning to share.
First up -

A2Z Sketch challenge layout..The Cap'n & T-Rex.
bookweek '09
Not sure how much I like this anymore. Nyyeh, it's only paper, I can redo it later if I ever get the inkling to. Hey, more stash stuff, not one newly purchased piece! I'm on a roll, not that it looks like I've made a dent in anything.

And totally unrelated, look who's got comfy at our house!!

That's a fluffy black caterpillar - sorry horrible pic.
And these two are coccoons...

So amazing. I love this stuff. I found these guys when I was weeding (caterpillars then) and showed Cooper who wanted to 'kill em'. So I saved them from certain death and put them in the bug catcher to suffer a probably worse fate of starvation. But lo and behold.. they ate the weeds I gave them and a week later spun coccoons! I watched them, utterly fascinating. They pull out their hair and mix it in with the silk and grass, sticks whatever they can gather up. Number three caterpillar has just made his coccoon - he wrapped a cabbage leaf around himself. Poor number one (bottom pic) I threw out his leaves thinking they were in the way. Look at that coccoon if I saw that in the garden I wouldn't look twice, just a messy blob of stuff. ( Monarchs I know, have a gorgeous green coccoon with golden spots on the cap) Probably had a hundred of these in the garden, just didn't know it. I don't know what butterfly/moth they'll become, I so hope they hatch. How cool would that be!! I'll keep you updated.

Switching topics again.. How cute is this!!??
Bubby's passport photo

Little bugger everytime the flash went off he'd go "ooooo!" making a little o with his mouth, then smile for the lady before playing with the train in his hands. Master 3 refused to have one, and was held against his will. Some incriminating photos are in the hands of the camera house ladies, better play nice!! Ha Ha!! Those passport approval people have obviously never needed to photograph minus 5 yo! The conditions for a good photo are soooo strict, and impossible to abide.
Thank the gods that the passport lasts for 5 years - oh the drama!! And there's a layout in that, when I calm down.

Final thing, this just arrived in store - Scrappin Bitz.

4 new collections from Webster's Pages! Very yummy!!! So in love with those balloons - it's great to see something a little different and new. And on that note I think I'm done!! See you soon..


Pippa said...

Great read Vik. I'm just picturing you guys at immigration at Denpasar airport. The guard is saying "I'm not sure that's the same baby?" and you say "Hang on, someone flash a bright light in his face!" "oooooo" LOL

Rochelle said...

Oh Vikki, you are funny! Hey I never knew you liked caterpillars, I thought that was just me and my crazy kids lol. I've tried to get these fat hairy ones to change before with no luck, so if you do I would looooove to know what they turn into! cheers