Monday, July 13, 2009

It's holidays

I didn't realise it'd been so long between posts. It only feels like last week. Time is just flying. Even these holidays which usually drag on - week two already, yahay!!! So what have we been doin??
A bit of this.
Some beading kits I picked up ages ago and just found. Glad they were on special cos they were sooo simple to do. In fact these are teacher gifts this year... Ebony also made a beaded duck but we ran out of string and he has no feet. She got cranky and hid him - of course it's all my fault.

I finished this one off....
Me and my bubba. Cherish this one people! I NEVER scrap myself, and rarely have photos taken of myself. So this is a double treat! LOL. I would show you what the kids did while I was doing this but I got mad at the mess and chucked it all out. I gave them a 'craft box' of scraps and glue and pencils, let them do as they will, but no one wants to clean up! Mostly Cooper gets the blame - "he had it last" Can you see a pattern developing here??? Boy do they test me! (6 days to go.. I can do it... breathe...breathe..)

Me and the youngest 2 have a cold so we've been a little anti social. It's raining anyhow, and there's NOTHING to do when it rains. Jack's in heaven playing Wii everyday. Oh and they've discovered the Back to the Future Trilogy. I watch it and cringe , but the kids love it! Jack can't quite grasp the concept (saying that Eb's probably can't either, but won't say so) but he is fascinated. The manure truck scene is a particular favourite, knowing my children that shouldn't surprise you. LOL!

We did go shopping today, Shaun finally bought me a dishwasher. And now there is a dishwasher in my kitchen taunting me, cos it's not plumbed in. How mean is that??? It's right there all shiny and new, full of promise, and untouchable!! Aaarrgghh! We also got Wii Fit (a bargain at $99) and just to shatter my already fragile self esteem the stupid program says I'm 46. 46!! That's soo not fair, especially as it also said my weight is fine. I'm tempted to take the dumb thing back. Except I really know I need to tone up, hopefully this will help me along. I have been doing weights every morning on the home gym. Thought I'd start out 'lightly' , it's on the lightest possible weight and my legs absolutely burn after 20 lifts. My arms are okay I can get 3 sets of 20 from each exercise before I'm pooped, but my thighs just scream.

And in saying that; if I'm to get up and complete my regime in the morning I should hot foot it to bed. 12.15am - and I'm wide awake. Bugga the holidays, now my sleep cycle is all screwy again.


1 comment:

Rochelle said...

Ahhh your holidays sound like mine! Sickness and mess. thank god Daz is finally home. & congrats on the dishwasher cant believe he finally gave in!!!